Burlington School District (BSD) leadership will host two virtual town hall meetings this week on July 15 and 16 to discuss school reopening models currently under consideration and results from recent reopening surveys.
The first virtual town hall on Wednesday, July 15 at 7 p.m., will provide families further opportunity to participate in the conversation around reopening schools this fall; families will hear directly from leaders about the family reopening survey and will be able to ask questions. At the second town hall on Thursday, July 16 at 7 p.m., BSD leaders will discuss results from the staff reopening survey and staff will be able to share their thoughts and concerns.
“This is a key moment in our planning process. We need to hear from the community in order to finalize our plans and inform our families so they can start planning their lives,” said Superintendent Tom Flanagan. “The bottom line is that the most equitable situation would be for every student to be able to attend school this fall. Knowing that some students and teachers won’t be able to attend school in person for a variety of reasons, we need to be thinking creatively through ways to accommodate all of our families while planning within AOE and CDC guidelines.”
Participants can tune in and pose questions to panelists via Zoom or watch the meeting live on Youtube. BSD Multicultural Liaisons will also be interpreting the meeting live and working directly with district EL families to ensure all BSD families can participate in the reopening process.
Link to join Family Town Hall: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
Link to join Staff Town Hall: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/
For further questions, please contact Avalon Styles-Ashley.