Report Highlights Strategic Plan, Student Achievement, and Upcoming Budget Vote
In advance of Town Meeting Day, March 5, Burlington School District (BSD) has published a number of resources designed to help voters have all the information they need to vote on the School District’s proposed budget. BSD’s 2023 Annual Report is now available online along with a budget one-pager that explains next year’s proposed budget and a line item budget by function and by object. The documents are available at www.bsdvt.org, and Annual Reports can be found in BSD schools, at both Fletcher Free Library locations, the O.N.E. Community Center, City Hall, and DPW.
“I’m excited to issue this year’s annual report because it shows really amazing work happening in our District,” said Superintendent Tom Flanagan. “This year’s report focuses on the work happening in our community-created Five Year Strategic Plan, highlights student achievement, breaks down next year’s budget, and shows how we’ve taken steps to change the way we teach literacy in elementary schools. I know there are ways we can continue to improve, and this report shows that we are on our way.”
Complete budget details can be found at www.bsdvt.org/budget. Town Meeting Day is March 5… don’t forget to vote!